Archive for May, 2010

Irish Jacks

May 6, 2010

PUPPY MILL: I ino9w this sonds like a rant, but if you read to the end, you’ll see why I started this.  The reason I set up this particular blog is that a friend of mine, who happens to have two of the pups I bred recently, purchased  a Jack from a woman in the US – Violet Meadow Farms or Turns out the “breeder” – and I say that in the most loose of terms – runs a puppy mill.  The purpose of this blog is education and prevention. 

Breeding is easy. It’s natural for the dogs. It’s the human’s responsibility to make sure it’s done right.  Let’s face it, in nature, the young males and females would be driven from the pack to create their own lives and families. Since we control nature with “controlled” breeding, we change the natural course of life and should be held accountable.

Even though I have so much more to say on this topic, I’m going to leave it alone for now and am hoping you all can pick up the slack. Violet Meadow Farms is not the only mill in my sights, but right now the most pertinent. This poor pup came to his new family with worms, Corona, Giardia, Kennel cough and possible Parvo.  He’s only 10 weeks old!!!! No baby should have to endure that!

You know, that really sad thing is, judging by her website, her health guarantee, videos, etc, I would have been douped too.  And I’m SUPER particular about my dogs. She’s a master of disguise, and unfortunately, most puppy mills are.  So I’ve talked to as many breeders as possible and the only consensus I can come to about ending this kind of tragedy is education.  So let’s start looking at where our dogs come from. 

I know I was considered a “back yard breeder” because I didn’t have a registered kennel, but I gave my pups and give my dogs more time, love and consideration ( I only ever had 10 on site – including pups and adults at any given time) than some people give their children.  You’d have to know me to  completely understand that statement.  Let’s put it this way – when I make a fast meal for my family it takes me 2 -3 hours between shopping for the right ingredients and getting it on the table and my dogs eat  as well as we do.  Pups included. 

Don’t get me wrong.  You can luck out with a puppy mill or pet store dog.  My sister has lucked out twice.  Sometimes a pet store dog actually comes from a reputable breeder.  The unfortunate truth is those cute little puppies in the store have been taken away from their moms waaaaay to early.  8 weeks is the norm, but if you’re adotping an 8 week old pup, how old do you think he/she is when they leave their mom? 8 weeks is the minimum you’d want to seperate the pup from his mom, but when you take into account shipping and quarantine… How long have they been apart?

Food for thought.  Anyway, this is the little guy that brought this whole thing about:

He;s become my poster child for anti-puppy mills.  Hoefully you’ll adopt him as the poster shiod as well.